Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our First Date

Most guys don't make it past a few dates with me- either because I prove to be crazy (exhibited below)...or I find something wrong with them. Like they cut their bread or spell different forms of 'your' and 'their' wrong. I worked at a nature lab all through RISD... so needless to say, I love dead things. A freshly dead bird is kind of beautiful. Not in a sick way, but in a "I wanna paint you" sorta way... Luckily, despite this, Bryan stuck around.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cozy Time

I will be 24 on Saturday... and I still use a twin bed. I also have a prickly slanted ceiling right above my head... a wall to the left, a VERY furry cat... and a sweaty Bryan.